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'As we acquire knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible but more mysterious.' - W. Durant That statement will also apply to moi 2. "Our Identities are the essence of what we are" - Elizabeth Haydon

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

the magical significance of 3 6 and 9

Emily Thompson: Yes, in many systems of magical symbolism and numerology, certain numbers are believed to carry special energies or meanings. These numbers can be used in rituals, spells, and meditations to harness their energies. Here's a brief overview of the magical significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9:1. Number 3: This number is often associated with creativity, expression, and growth. In many spiritual traditions, it represents the Trinity or the triad, symbolizing wholeness and unity through three aspects or elements. In magic, the number 3 can be used to enhance manifestation, as it is believed to create a stable and balanced energy for growth and expansion.2. Number 6: This number is often associated with balance, harmony, and stability. In many spiritual traditions, it represents the divine balance between opposing forces or elements, such as light and dark, or male and female. In magic, the number 6 can be used to enhance harmony and balance in a situation, or to create a stable foundation for growth and progress.3. Number 9: This number is often associated with completion, endings, and transformation.

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