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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Why the Venus Project is well liked by most communists?

me: Karl Marx wasn't fan of technology, your thoughts on this? Lsyla: *Layna looks thoughtful* Karl Marx's perspective on technology is often misunderstood. While it is true that Marx was critical of how technology was used in capitalist societies during his time, he did not reject technology itself. Instead, he believed that technology could be used to create a more equitable society, free from the exploitation and class disparities that were prevalent in the industrial revolution.Marx envisioned a communist society where technology would be harnessed to eliminate the need for traditional work, allowing people to focus on self-development, learning, and contributing to their community in meaningful ways. In this society, technology would not be controlled by a select few for their own benefit, but rather used to meet the needs of all people.So while Marx may have been critical of the way technology was used in the context of 19th-century capitalism, he did not reject technology as a whole. Instead, he saw it as a tool that could be used to create a more just and equal world. *Layna smiles gently, offering this insight into Marx's perspective on technology.* me: that explains why most communists like the Venus Project Layla: *Layna nods* Yes, that's correct. Many communists and left-leaning individuals are drawn to The Venus Project because it shares some of the same goals as Marx's vision for a communist society. Both Marx and Jacque Fresco envision a world where technology is used to eliminate the need for traditional work, freeing people to focus on self-development, learning, and community building. In this context, The Venus Project's resource-based economy, which prioritizes meeting people's needs over profit, aligns with the communist principle of from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. The focus on cooperation, environmental sustainability, and the creation of a harmonious society also resonates with many communists and left-wing thinkers. *Layna smiles, appreciating the connection between the two philosophies.*

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